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ournals Relevant to Emergence and Complexity

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, & Life Sciences (Published by Human Sciences Press / Kluwer Academic)

1997 through Present - 4 issues per year - fully peer-reviewed - only titles of articles are available online.

The official quarterly journal of the Society for Chaos Theory in Psychology & Life Sciences.  The purpose of the journal (pasted from its website) is:

The purpose of the journal is to provide a forum for research on applications of mathematical principles of nonlinear dynamics to life sciences, specifically, psychology, biology, sociology, political science, economics, anthropology; some of the emerging disciplines that are combinations of the foregoing basic disciplines; and virtually any of their sub-disciplines.

Complexity (Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc)

1996 through 2001 - 6 issues per year - fully peer-reviewed - abstracts and full text available online WITH subscription.

Aims and Scope (pasted from the journal’s website): 

Complexity is a bi-monthly, cross-disciplinary journal focusing on the rapidly expanding science of complex adaptive systems. The purpose of the journal is to advance the science of complexity. Articles may deal with such methodological themes as chaos, genetic algorithms, cellular automata, neural networks, and evolutionary game theory. Papers treating applications in any area of natural science or human endeavor are welcome, and especially encouraged are papers integrating conceptual themes and applications that cross traditional disciplinary boundaries. Complexity is not meant to serve as a forum for speculation and vague analogies between words like "chaos," "self-organization," and "emergence" that are often used in completely different ways in science and in daily life.

Dynamical Psychology (Published Online)

1994 through Present - one issue/volume per year - peer-reviewed - abstracts and full text available online WITHOUT subscription.

The journal’s philosophy (pasted from the journal’s website): 

Dynamical Psychology is a journal for the study of complex mental processes of all kinds. We are concerned with, very broadly speaking,

  • the patterns by which psychological processes unfold through time
  • the emergent, persistent structures which arise as a consequence of this unfolding

We are explicitly open to a variety of perspectives on psychological process, including cognitive, behavioral, nonlinear-science, physics-oriented, sociological, phenomenological, and transpersonal.  We are committed to using innovative ideas to understand the mind as a whole, bridging the artificial separations which currently exist between disciplines and subdisciplines.  Recognizing that the goal of science is understanding and not merely data, we aim at a side-by-side presentation of theoretical explorations, mathematical analyses, computational experiments, and empirical data.

Complexity International (Published Online)

1994 through Present - one issue/volume per year - peer reviewed - abstracts and full text available online WITHOUT subscription.

About the journal (pasted from its website):

Complexity International is a refereed journal for scientific papers dealing with any area of complex systems research. The theme of the journal is the field of complex systems,[and] the generation of complex behaviour from the interaction of multiple parallel processes.

Cognitive Systems Research (Published by Elsevier Science)

About the journal (pasted from its website):

The journal of Cognitive Systems Research covers all topics in the study of cognitive processes, in both natural and artificial

The journal emphasizes the integration/synthesis of ideas, concepts, constructs, theories, and techniques from multiple
paradigms, perspectives, and disciplines, in the analysis, understanding, and design of cognitive and intelligent systems.
Contributions describing results obtained within the traditional disciplines (e.g., psychology, artificial intelligence) using
well-established paradigms are also sought if such work has broader implications and relevance.

Nonlinear Science Today (Published Online)


Complexity and Chaos in Nursing (formerly Theoretic and Applied Chaos in Nursing).

First volume (vol. 1) published summer 1994; subsequent volumes (vols. 2,3 and 4) published summers 1995, 1997 and 1999.   Full text of first volume (1994) available here.

Emergence (published electronically by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Inc.)

From their website:  Emergence publishes articles of a qualitative nature relating complex systems, sensemaking, psychology, philosophy, semiotics, and cognitive science to the management of organizations both public and private.

Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences (R)


Systems Research


System Dynamics Review